Learn how to use the Pricing History report on the Acuity Pricing platform.
Pricing History reports enable users to identify trends and understand how on-shelf pricing has changed over time and why.
- Report Tabs
- Report Tabs: Brands/Manufacturers
- Report Tabs: Attributes
- Report Tabs: Results
- Report Export
- Hints and Tips
Pricing History report
Users can utilise this tool in the platform tool to:
- Chart pricing trends over time to see how prices vary within categories or across retailers, brands and attributes.
- Identify factors driving price changes.
- Compare prices against competitors at SKU-level.
- Understand who leads prices in the market.
Report Tabs
Most reports offer tabbed sections, which provide more in-depth results from the given query. Within the Pricing History report there are Overview, Brand/Manufacturer, Attribute and Results tabs.
There are two additional tabs within the Overview tab.
- The Average tab details the average price in all retailers. Use the year-on-year button to understand how the average pricing has changed from the previous year period.
- The Per Retailer tab details the price in all retailers individually.
Brands/Manufacturers Tab
The Brands/Manufacturers tab shows the average pricing history by brand and by manufacturer.
When looking at this view, it is best to select only one retailer to assess, as otherwise the data is an average across your whole selection.
Attributes Tab
The Attributes tab shows the pricing history by attribute. This works with a single category selection, and where selected categories share attributes.
For example, every category under the parent 'Wine' (white wine, red wine etc.) shares attributes, but adding 'milk' to that selection of categories will not return attribute comparisons because wine and milk do not share attributes.
The attributes available within the filtering options change by category.
If Client Specific Attributes have been loaded for a category, these will also be available to choose from in the dropdown menu.
Results Tab
The Results tab shows the granular level data, where you can view by SKU, by retailer, what has happened to the pricing over time. Prices with stars identify items that were on promotion. Coloured prices denote prices that have moved.
There is a dropdown menu to change the day of the week for the analysis. The report can also be run on a monthly basis.
Within the Results tab, hover the mouse over the product description for a zoomed-in view of the product, retailer descriptions and last-seen date. From here you can also click to view the product on the website, or report a bad match.
Report Export
Pricing History Export allows you to see at a granular level the pricing per SKU over the time period selected.
- Choose the frequency of pricing data you want to view: daily, weekly or monthly when exporting.
- Use the Raw Data tab to see the trended pricing data.
- Sort the Product Name A-Z to arrange like-for-like SKUs across the retailers next to each other.
Pricing History – Hints and Tips
Within the tool:
- Make the aggregated charts more specific by utilising the option to only show items mapped in all retailers.
Untick the ‘per Retailer’ option to see an average price for SKUs.
Within the Export:
- Choose from a daily / weekly / monthly split of data.
- Tick 'Show products with no price data' to get the Export to mimic the Results tab.
- When creating a scheduled export, if weekly is chosen, ensure the day in the drop down is aligned to the day that you would like to receive the scheduled export.
- Compare the number of SKUs in the first week's column and the last week's column to give an indication of churn.
- Use coloured cells to identify key movements.
- Filter the columns by colour to show the number of listed / delisted items or the number of SKUs that have moved up / down in price.
- Sort the Product name A-Z to get like-for-like SKUs across the retailers next to each other.