Retail Pricing Software
Stay ahead of the competition.

In competitive markets that require real-time decisions, Acuity Pricing provides retail pricing software with reliable data and insight.
We believe that all retail pricing decisions should be informed yet intuitive. Our data empowers retailers to make market-winning decisions with ease.
Fuel trading plans and range reviews with extensive product price histories, and stay competitive with daily promotion and price alerts letting you know of any important changes.
Acuity Pricing is a trusted strategic partner to the UK’s largest retailers, providing confidence through clarity.

How does Acuity Pricing support retailer decision making?

Breadth and depth
Acuity Pricing | Module 1
Price and Promotion Tracking
Daily Price Monitoring Data
Monitor activity at category and SKU level to assess competitor behaviours, trends, and stock levels.
Product Price History
Track price changes over time to understand the impacts of factors like inflation or raw materials costs. Assess how competitors are reacting and who is leading the market.
Promotion Analytics
Ensure promotional activities deliver results by analysing strategies used in specific categories or markets. Evaluate campaigns against sales performance to understand which promotions are most effective.
Strategic Pricing
Aid range planning, and uncover price gaps in the market with deep insights into categories and pricing architecture across your competitors.
Price Index
Assess your value position against competitors at a total market, sub-category and SKU-level, then set target indexes against competitors. Integrated sales data allows for a unique, weighted understanding of the figures.
Price Alerts
Receive daily price and promotion information directly into chosen inboxes at a frequency that suits your needs.
Acuity Pricing | Module 2
Product Monitoring
Product Assortments
Stay up to date with category range changes across competitors. Use this data to support your own range reviews and planning. Identify new SKUs in the market and understand which products have been removed.
Product Stock Availability
Check stock availability levels across products daily to ensure any issues are quickly resolved and longer-term problems are identified, and understand how stock issues have impacted sales.
Market Movement
Comprehensive retail pricing software analyses data, trends, and changes across the wider market. Providing real-time product assortment and availability movement data, you can quickly react to flash sales and price cuts, or view the changes over time to identify trends and predict upcoming price or range changes.
Compare the nutritional content of your products against own-label competitor and branded equivalents to identify areas where action may be required. Use the data to inform new product development and range extensions.
Reviews and Ratings
Analyse product reviews and ratings across multiple retailers and monitor competitor lines. Understand the impact and customer reactions of product changes, the misrepresentation of products online, and why certain products may be experiencing high levels of returns.
Acuity Pricing | Module 3
Create truly custom reports and extract insights from data faster. Combine datasets and define their presentation to suit your needs and assign calculations to minimise the need for data manipulation, all within our Export Builder tool.
Track price competitiveness straight from a retailers’ website with our browser extension and review competitor assortments and pricing strategies.